Indeed, studies show that acupuncture inhibits withdrawal symptoms, increases endorphin levels, and regulates the sympathetic nervous system, allowing for a reduction in smoking cravings and controlling anxiety associated with nicotine dependence. It also stabilizes appetite, helping to prevent weight gain. A smoke-free life through acupuncture is achieved by about 75% of patients, gradually, as recommended by recent studies. After a few sessions, patients look at cigarettes and no longer feel the urge to smoke.
Leia o Artigo: Deixar de Fumar com a Medicina Chinesa
Some reasons to decide to quit smoking today:
- More money available
- Better quality of life for those around you
- Live longer and with higher quality of life
- Reduce the risk of severe diseases (cardiovascular, respiratory, and cancer)
- Greater physical resistance and well-being
- End of coughing and respiratory difficulties
- Improved sense of smell and taste
- Whiter teeth and better breath
- Fingers and nails without yellow stains
- Healthier-looking hair and skin