Acupuncture can act on multiple levels: at the ovarian level, it can regulate the hormonal system, particularly the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis, ensuring the regularization of the menstrual cycle so that each cycle results in the production and release of a quality oocyte..
At the uterine level, acupuncture can increase uterine blood flow, regularizing the uterine lining, improving endometrial thickness (which facilitates the implantation process, i.e., the attachment of the embryo to the uterus); and it reduces myometrial contractions, lowering the likelihood of spontaneous abortion.
Acupuncture aims to stimulate spermatogenesis, which is the production of sperm. These improvements include not only the quantity of sperm produced (increasing its concentration in the semen) but also its quality (including sperm motility and morphology).
Read our article: Acupuntura e Fertilidade – Quando a cegonha demora a chegar!
Pregnancy is one of the most delicate phases for a woman's body, and as such, the use of medications is limited, making it necessary to find alternatives.
Chinese Medicine, particularly acupuncture, is a 100% natural choice with proven benefits for relieving the common discomforts during pregnancy. Swelling, uncontrolled appetite, nausea, insomnia, irregular bowels, back pain, and general discomfort are just some of the complaints of pregnant women. Finding a solution to resolve these issues would be ideal. Acupuncture can alleviate all these problems and also address emotional and psychological issues that affect many women during this sensitive period of their lives.
There is an acupuncture point (Zhiyin) that, when heated, helps to position the baby in the ideal position for a natural birth.
In addition to helping rebalance the body and harmonize the energies lost after childbirth, using this method will bring other benefits even after the baby arrives. Acupuncture also helps to strengthen milk production and rebalance female hormonal levels.
Read our article: Acupuntura na Gravidez!