It addresses the functional imbalances that are at the root of cellulite or localized fat, specifically promoting: overall body balance and a sense of well-being with the release of endorphins and serotonin; stabilizing the nervous, digestive, and endocrine systems; rebalancing emotions; reducing appetite; normalizing anxiety and stress levels; promoting restorative sleep; improving blood and lymphatic circulation.
Using Lipolytic Acupuncture, Vacuum Therapy, and Firming Massage, it promotes the lipolytic effect on adipocytes (fat-storing cells); activates the lymphatic and blood systems; eliminates toxins; stimulates muscle fibers, combating sagging and eliminating the orange-peel appearance.
All women, even the thinnest, have a 90% chance of having cellulite. Cellulite is an inflammation that, when severe, can affect self-esteem due to the “orange-peel” appearance on the skin caused by nodules of fat, water, and toxins, located in specific areas of the body such as the outer thighs, inner knees, buttocks, and abdomen.
Clinically, cellulite reveals three stages of evolution:
Stage I – visible only when pressing the skin and increased consistency upon palpation (young woman);
Stage II – visible when standing, when pressing the skin, and with more elastic consistency upon palpation (woman in her 30s);
Stage III – visible both lying down and standing, palpation reveals hard consistency and may be painful. The diagnosis differs from localized fat as there is an increase in adipose tissue (fat mass). The irregularities observed on the skin surface are caused by sagging.